Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Apparently, Ian fostered a Mexican boy and a black boy in a dream, one aged 16, one aged 18 (which is ridiculous because that's too old for foster kids, he later rationalized), and they got into a violent snowball fight. One threatened to "fuck him up" and that's what lead us to this quote from a few nights ago.

"I don't want to be a foster parent."

I reassured him that should the time come, we'll do our best to have our own biological children.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


No idea what brought about these words of wisdom, but here are last nights brilliant quotes:

"Mmm... Tastes like food."


"I'm takin' the Mercedes."

Monday, December 6, 2010


Today, we went to the Botanical Garden here in Chicago and since it recently snowed, the outside paths were all screaming winter wonderland, it was gorgeous. I have no balance or coordination on a dry day, so it was no surprise to me when I almost busted my ass a good three times. Also, there is a shit ton of ice outside my apartment because apparently the people who run my building think they're exempt from shoveling and/or salting the sidewalks. HA, I don't think so-and I called to tell them that, too. Anyway, all of that might be contributing factors to tonight's quote:

(after snoring really freaking loudly, to which I asked, "Did you just snore so loud you woke yourself up?" this was the reply I received)

"I almost slipped on the ice... There's ice on the steps."

Sunday, December 5, 2010

A short explanation...

My boyfriend talks in his sleep.
Not excessively, but every night he dishes out a good one-liner that really freaking cracks me up and it sucks that I have absolutely no one to share it with the moment it happens. I have to wait all the way until the next morning to tell him about it and by then, it's just not as hilarious anymore.
That's where this comes in.
This blog will keep track of my beloved Ian's bedtime ramblings.
Tonight will mark the first entry to share, but here I will include a few good recent quotes.

"Ohh, mojito. Mojito's good..."

"Happy Hanukkah."

"Oh, it's so cool."